# of watchers: 36
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This wiki was created by [Ultra Hunger] on December 20th, 2004 And then it was erased by [Ultra Hunger] and restarted clean slate on April 4th, 2007
2005-06-29 [Undertow]: sorry...that was out of line, but god! how much of an EMO-kid can you be?
2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: ha ha ha ha
2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: i know I can't stand emo kids
2005-06-29 [Undertow]: annoying little bastards i say
2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: lol ha ha ha ha ha ha lol yep
2005-06-29 [Undertow]: go here people!!!! the god of wisdom's smartass comments
2005-06-29 [d o n e]: You two are such Pricks, what's your fucking problem? I know Alec in person I go to the same damn school with him, you call him Emo, and you don't know a damn thing about him...you two are the bitches
2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: why is everyone attracted to always flamming my wiki?
2005-06-29 [Undertow]: i looked at his page and what he likes...he's a little emo/hardcore brat
2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: LOL
2005-06-29 [Capture And Embrace.]: ><
2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: Finding Emo
2005-06-29 [Capture And Embrace.]: LMAO
2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: sup devil boy?
2005-06-29 [Capture And Embrace.]: Noffin
2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: me 2 I just had a thunder storm the dogs are hiding under my desk what a bunch of pussys XD
2005-06-29 [Capture And Embrace.]: XD~ Nice
2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: I love thunderstorms. you ever run around in the rain during one? it kicks ass
2005-06-29 [Capture And Embrace.]: HEck yes!!!
2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: we use to have races wearing nothing but a baithing sute we'd have to run out side during a thunderstorm tag a tree and run abck in the house. the lightning useually made us run faster. but now i'm getting too old for those kind of games.
2005-06-29 [Capture And Embrace.]: rofl
2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: Oh yeah just to let you know Devil Boy I took you off the Lits Of Gods
2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: ...and moved you to number two under my name
2005-06-29 [Capture And Embrace.]: I noticed rofl!
2005-06-30 [Undertow]: ....wierd...oh btw finding emo...great comedy
2005-06-30 [mgddfdhdfhf]: What's so funny about Emo? O_o...oh..yeh, I'm Kevin..I was wondering if I can be God of Sports..
2005-06-30 [Ultra Hunger]: isn't there some more coo,w ay of saying it like god of recriational activiity or something?
2005-06-30 [Undertow]: emo's stupid....all it is is a bunch of punk kids that wanna cry b/c they can't get thier way...it's stupid
2005-06-30 [Ultra Hunger]: oh wait you don't wanna join this wiki I hate don't be talkin smack
2005-06-30 [mgddfdhdfhf]: Why can't I join?
2005-06-30 [Ultra Hunger]: you can join but I kicked your best friend out of it and i hate him. if you think it will effect your friendship in anyway joining my wiki I sugest not to do it
2005-06-30 [Undertow]: b/c your dumb....bye bye....go away.....piss off...on your bike.....fuck off....toodles
2005-06-30 [Ultra Hunger]: ha ha ha wow
2005-06-30 [Undertow]: yeah i know like 12 ways to say good bye
2005-06-30 [mgddfdhdfhf]: Yeh..uh..okay.
2005-06-30 [Ultra Hunger]: I just think it might cause a problem but if you really wanna stir the pot you could become the god of elements thats what he use to be because I gave him da boot
2005-06-30 [Undertow]: didn't i tell him to leave in like 8 different ways??? and it's HIS WIKI he doesn't have to let anyone that he doesn't like on it
2005-06-30 [mgddfdhdfhf]: Dude [Undertow] I'm not talking to you, could you just like..shut up for one moment? Now [Ultra Hunger] Can I please be God of Sports?
2005-06-30 [Ultra Hunger]: alright but Alec's not going to like this he think i'm a hearless creature
2005-06-30 [mgddfdhdfhf]: Well, I told Alec I wanted to like forever ago, but I forgot my password for EP now that I have it back I still want to join, he didn't care if I did or not..it's not like it affects our real life
2005-06-30 [Undertow]: no i like talking...it's fun...just like being a wise ass to people that are inferior to myself
2005-06-30 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: lmao yay go[Undertow] i kno what ya mean lol
2005-06-30 [Undertow]: thank you *bows* atleast someone likes my strange outlook on everything ^__^
2005-06-30 [Capture And Embrace.]: I'm I do too but....dunno
2005-06-30 [Undertow]: oooo hey people chekc out my 2 new wiki's (links in my shrine)
2005-06-30 [Undertow]: one's music video's (i have the URL'S) and one's a bunch of wise ass comments
2005-06-30 [Capture And Embrace.]: sweet
2005-06-30 [Undertow]: here fags..go watch some music videos god of wisdoms music videos just click on the link and the video will play there's 20 videos currently, i'll take some requests...wit
2005-07-01 [Ultra Hunger]: anybody have any ne ideas for this wiki?
2005-07-01 [Undertow]: nope
2005-07-01 [Ultra Hunger]: well think of something
2005-07-01 [Undertow]: but my brain hurts!!!!
2005-07-01 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: uh.. give out free cheetos. everyone love me when i give out free cheetos
2005-07-01 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: you could sell your bodies...
2005-07-01 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: no ones gonna pay for me, we'd have to pay them, lol
2005-07-01 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: Man Cans will buy ya jess
2005-07-01 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: you dont know that for sure though, lol
2005-07-01 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: I'll ask you
2005-07-01 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: how will asking me acheive anything?
2005-07-01 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: oops...I meant, I'll ask HIM.
2005-07-01 [Capture And Embrace.]: ROFL
2005-07-01 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: god i'm such a dumb ass....
2005-07-01 [Capture And Embrace.]: We know.....but we still love you
2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: ....
2005-07-02 [skullhead]: ...
2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: *cpugh* ANYWAYS!
2005-07-02 [skullhead]: happy Canada day for you two [~!~GreenDay~!~] and also to [~!~GreenDay~!~] oh lets not forget old friend [~!~GreenDay~!~] lol
2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: ROFL nice
2005-07-02 [skullhead]: so for us in the USA is going to be the 4th of July soon
2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: I bought all the illegal kind....
2005-07-02 [skullhead]: that means the fantastic 4 movie is coming lol (hell yea)
2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: ROFL! *lights firworks*
2005-07-02 [skullhead]: I love the smell of firework in the morning (sir! yes sir!)
2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: SIR!!!!! ><;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2005-07-02 [skullhead]: what do you want am not in the ARMY yet
2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: *cough*
2005-07-02 [skullhead]: am going to get in some day
2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Sweet. Right on thats awesome! *high five!*
2005-07-02 [skullhead]: that mother fucking ASVAB is one nasty mother sucker
2005-07-02 [skullhead]: I can belief I didn’t pas that stupid test
2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: That sucks dude. :(
2005-07-02 [skullhead]: am going to take it again in 30th days
2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Cool ^^;
2005-07-02 [skullhead]: The first thing am going to do is bay a house fuck the renting shit
2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: LMAO!!!
2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Sweetness!!
2005-07-02 [PyroBuggy]: shit... *shits*
2005-07-02 [skullhead]: I have 3 life sizes and a bunch of things that have skull’s in them or on them
2005-07-02 [skullhead]:
2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Coolllllllll
2005-07-02 [skullhead]: What can I say, I love skulls
2005-07-02 [mgddfdhdfhf]: Whoa..
2005-07-02 [Viperess]: I like that Vampire one, the eye looks like its staring right at you.
2005-07-02 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: sweet
2005-07-03 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: those are sexy
2005-07-03 [gungone]: uh...what is it?
2005-07-03 [Ultra Hunger]: not a member... skidaddle or i'll sick [Undertow] on you. hes likes to fight will brats
2005-07-03 [Capture And Embrace.]: lmao!!!!
2005-07-03 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: lmao
2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: Not that any of you give a rats ass but hears a banner i made
2005-07-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<worships sarah>>
2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: ...why
2005-07-04 [Ultra Hunger]: omg I love it! add it to the banners
2005-07-04 [Ultra Hunger]: I'm changing my banner to that one
2005-07-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: youre so talented
2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: man cans i have a new one
2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: The Cat God of elfpack lol
2005-07-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: sweetness
2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: lol
2005-07-04 [Ultra Hunger]: that just gave me an idea every god has an animal that symbolizes it. like Athena is the Owl I think. and Hera is the ... I forget the name of it. but on your temples you should pick an animal that symbolizes your god. I picked the Siberian Tiger
2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: would u like me 2 make u a banner for ure temple?
2005-07-04 [Ultra Hunger]: if anyone makes a banner you can put it under Gods Of Elfpack Banners
2005-07-04 [Ultra Hunger]: if your talking to me yeah sure
2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: ok jsut a sec ill go make u a banner
2005-07-04 [Ultra Hunger]: alright cool
2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: what are u the god of
2005-07-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: uh... does bean soup count as an animal? cause i already got a banner with bean soup on it, lol
2005-07-04 [Ultra Hunger]: http://www.alb
2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: ure strange jessi lol but thats why i love yas
2005-07-04 [Ultra Hunger]: alright instead of an animal anything can symbolize your god.
2005-07-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: OMG TATERS!! <<pounces>> i love you too sarah ^^__^^
2005-07-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: haha that ones good too
2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: hahahaha
2005-07-04 [Ultra Hunger]: http://www.alb
2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: Hear you go [Ultra Hunger]
2005-07-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: thats hot
2005-07-04 [Ultra Hunger]: wow its perfect and iw as afriad it was gonna be too big
2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: lol
2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: im not shure what animal i should have guarding my temple... tiz The temple of darkness
2005-07-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: hmmm.... maybe a snake?
2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: lol aah*kisses* URE A SHERE GENIOUS JESSI
2005-07-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<blushes>>
2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: i kinda used a dragon/snake
2005-07-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: awesome
2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: mhm
2005-07-06 [GODofMUSIC04]: so, to symbolize my temple.. which i dont feel like posting up..... i will put the crossmen as my gaurdians (theyre a drumcorps)
2005-07-06 [Shadowsoul]: thats good
2005-07-06 [Undertow]: i like being the guard of my own temple..unless you consider Yoda to be a gaurdian lol
2005-07-10 [Ultra Hunger]: I've been hit like that before. but never by a mortal
2005-07-10 [Serena]: nice Undertow.....Y
2005-07-10 [Undertow]: indeed
2005-07-12 [GODofMUSIC04]: duh.. why do you think hes lived over 900 years? cause the good guys always live longer
2005-07-12 [Ultra Hunger]: no its because I haven't gotten around to killing him yet
2005-07-12 [GODofMUSIC04]: dude...not cool....
2005-07-12 [Ultra Hunger]: hes number 12 on my kill list
2005-07-12 [Capture And Embrace.]: THis isn't Danneh...>>
2005-07-12 [Ultra Hunger]: whom are you?
2005-07-12 [Capture And Embrace.]: His girlfriend...>> It's [Kagomeyasha]
2005-07-12 [GODofMUSIC04]: wat are ....nvm
2005-07-12 [Capture And Embrace.]: I like being on his name...it makes me feel special...>>
2005-07-12 [d o n e]: Lol Speical people!
2005-07-12 [Ultra Hunger]: Losers
2005-07-12 [d o n e]: Why yes you are XD
2005-07-12 [d o n e]: <----Is just kiddding <<;;
2005-07-12 [Ultra Hunger]: you better be
2005-07-12 [Undertow]: i thought yoda died in the return of the jedi anyways???
2005-07-13 [Ultra Hunger]: thats the conspericy version what really happened was I stabed him. and as for humpty dumpty? I pushed him off the wall.
2005-07-13 [d o n e]: What happens if I'm not kidding?
2005-07-13 [Ultra Hunger]: then i'll have to kill you
2005-07-13 [Undertow]: ooo, sinister
2005-07-13 [Viperess]: Is there war among the Gods, i thougth that was only for mortals
2005-07-13 [Undertow]: i'm nto warring...i'm just sitting back and watching it all come down
2005-07-13 [Viperess]: can i sit and watch too
2005-07-13 [Undertow]: if you want to *pulls up chair and looks at [Ultra Hunger]* resume i say!
2005-07-13 [Viperess]: thanks, *sits and nods* don't let use stop you.
2005-07-13 [Undertow]: indeed
2005-07-13 [Viperess]: can i bring her back if he kills her?
2005-07-13 [Undertow]: if he wants to kill her i guess he will....i'm not going to jail lol
2005-07-13 [Shadowsoul]: What is going on?
2005-07-13 [Viperess]: *humps shoulders*, ask Undertow he knows
2005-07-13 [Undertow]: [Ultra Hunger] is threatening to kill and we've got front row seats...in a manner of speaking
2005-07-13 [Viperess]: Shadow *she whispers*, you think he'll let me bring her back if he kills her.
2005-07-13 [Undertow]: i'm nto stopping anyone from doing anything...i'm the god of wisdom not the god of intervention
2005-07-13 [Shadowsoul]: i think so, if he doesn't i'll try to talk to him about it
2005-07-13 [Undertow]: lol...go for it
2005-07-13 [Viperess]: well if he doesn't we can always use your magic,
2005-07-13 [Shadowsoul]: of course
2005-07-13 [Undertow]: indeed..or i can kill he with the worlds greatest question!....w
2005-07-13 [Viperess]: *sit's back, and grins* this is going to be good.
2005-07-13 [Shadowsoul]: neither
2005-07-13 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: lalalalalalala
2005-07-13 [Shadowsoul]: *smiles and laughs*
2005-07-13 [Viperess]: welcome the shows already started
2005-07-13 [Shadowsoul]: manscans is offline now though
2005-07-13 [Undertow]: yeah he signed off a while ago....his sister must be on
2005-07-13 [Viperess]: to bad, but he'll be back
2005-07-13 [Undertow]: yes, they always come back
2005-07-13 [Shadowsoul]: true
2005-07-13 [Undertow]: indeed
2005-07-13 [Shadowsoul]: *reatreats into my own thoughts*
2005-07-13 [Viperess]: I think i'll visit the mortal realm for a bit, see whats brewing, save my seat and let me know when the action starts.
2005-07-13 [Shadowsoul]: me too
2005-07-13 [Undertow]: okay, don't be gone too long, he gets on and off sporatically
2005-07-13 [Viperess]: i hear you, be back soon, later.
2005-07-13 [Shadowsoul]: cya, i want to be around when he gets back online
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